
Forskningsstudier kring lämplig förskolestart

Här har vi samlat sammanfattningar av de forskningsstudier som det refereras till i avsnitt 48 av Minna och Louises podd.

R. Lekhal, 2012: Do type of childcare and age of entry predict behavior problems during early childhood? Result from a large Norwegian longitudinal study. Abstract:

Associations between type and age of entry into Norwegian universally-accessible childcare and children’s behavior problems at age 3 years were examined in this study. Data from 73,068 children in the large population-based, prospective Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) were used, and included information about childcare arrangements, behavior problems, and a variety of covariates. The results provided little support for childcare being related to children’s behavior problems at age 3 years when controlling for covariates. In fact, previous research has indicated that children may benefit from Norway’s childcare in other areas, such as language development. Results are discussed in relation to differences in countries' early childhood policies as a possible factor explaining discrepancies across studies.

Bauchmüller m.fl, 2014: Long-run benefits from universal high-quality preschooling. Abstract

This paper investigates the role of preschool quality for children's school performance at the end of primary school. We construct five structural quality indicators based on unique Danish administrative register data. 30,444 children finishing primary school's 9th grade in 2008 and who attended a formal preschool institution in 1998 are used in the analyses. OLS analyses show that three out of five quality indicators, a higher staff-per-child ratio, a higher share of male staff, and a higher share of staff with formal preschool teacher training are associated with significant improvements in children's test results in Danish. Boys benefit more from preschool quality than girls. Ethnic minority children benefit from higher staff stability.

Gupta & Simonsen, 2016: Academic performance and type of early childhood care. Abstract 

This is one of the few studies that estimate the effects of type of childhood care on academic achievement at higher grade levels by linking day care registers to educational registers. We use entire birth cohorts of ethnic Danish children, enrolled in either center based day care or family day care at age 2. Exploiting municipality variation in the composition of types of child care our results show that center based day care improves grades in Danish language in the final year of compulsory school with around 0.2 standard deviations.

Publicerad: 2019-03-27